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Ways To Feel Beautiful

Hi everyone, I wanted to share few ways to feel beautiful.

“They say beauty lies in the beholder’s eyes.

But beauty can lie in everyone’s eyes.”

Appreciate Your “Flaws”.

Feeling beautiful isn’t just applying a bunch of makeup to cover your insecurities, but using them as a power, and showing your originality. Being beautiful doesn’t necessarily mean having attractive features. Write a list or just think of a few reasons how you are a beautiful person on the inside. What makes your personality shine? What have you created, and how have you influenced others?

These are my tips


Accept Compliments

As a person who usually denies a compliment because it doesn’t feel right, it’s never going to feel right if you don’t accept it. When you start believing in yourself first, you’ll really start to gain the confidence. And, others are giving you a compliment for reason, so be grateful, accept it, and thank them.



Have A Healthy Lifestyle

Being beautiful also means feeling healthy. Treat yourself with respect, and drink more water and exercise. Lay off the sweets, and just do whatever is best for your body.



Surround Yourself With Loved Ones

Don’t waste your precious time with toxic people. Stay with the people that make you feel good, it’ll start rubbing off on you, and you’ll feel better about yourself.

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Stop Over-Doing

Don’t work yourself until you are tired out of your mind. Don’t waste your money on useless makeup brands and luxury clothes. You don’t need those items to make yourself beautiful, so stop over-doing things. Allow yourself to rest and enjoy whatever you are doing. There is no one to impress.neuhgrfur1


Stay Positive

To feel beautiful, think beautiful. Don’t obsess over a silly mistake you made when you were eleven. Don’t focus on ugly things about yourself or other people. Look on the bright side of everything, and I promise you’ll truly feel more beautiful.



Make Yourself A Priority

Do whatever will make you happy and feel good. Self-care is extremely important, and when you start taking care of yourself, your confidence will skyrocket. Love yourself, Find Your Inner Beauty. Because that is how true beauty looks.

The last thing I’m going to say,

stay yourself.

Don’t anyone to let you down.

You’re beautiful in your own way.

Compliment yourself. It’s not vain nor is it selfish.

Just like how accepting compliments will make you more confident, complimenting yourself will too. Start believing what you say, and actually listen to yourself. You’ll feel amazing at the end of the day.


23 thoughts on “Ways To Feel Beautiful

  1. Great advice. We are often our own worst critics, so even if you don’t think you’re “enough”, not everyone might agree with you.
    I haven’t seen you around much lately. Hope you’re doing alright.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Nice all steps & encourage.
    But sometimes man forget steps and do wrong activity that harmful for self & other. But life is big he/she change own mind and set a new goal of life.

    Liked by 2 people

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