Life · Self love

What We Don’t Want To Accept

Why do we dread being vulnerable so much? Why is it not okay not to be alright? Why are we so scared to have a weakness? Aren’t we humans? All these questions race through my mind and are certainly going to drive me insane if not answered. Is it our ego or is it our unconscious minds tricking us into thinking that we are above vulnerability? Or is it a defense mechanism we humans use to hide our insecurities, vulnerability, or imperfections.


Things You Should Know

But what you really need to know is not what in your minds causes such a reaction; instead, what you want to know is why is it not okay to be flawed or imperfect in the first place. But some questions cannot and will not be answered.I wholeheartedly hope we start truly accepting that being flawed is okay; well more than okay as it really accentuates the fact that we are human. Making the solution way more important and much needed.



1. You Are Fine Just The Way You Are

You’ve always been told what you should be, what you should do, and what you should say. No one ever tells us you are amazing just the way you are.



2. Life Does Have Good Moments

We are constantly being told life sucks or life is everyone’s enemy. Life is nothing more than what we make it.



3. He/She Isn’t Worth It

Life might have both wonderful and horrible moments but sticking with someone who makes the horrible moments more frequent is not worth it. You don’t have to stay with someone because it benefits them in some way. Being selfish when it comes to your happiness is OK. Never drag yourself down for another person.


4. You Are Strong

Everyone and I mean everyone, is going to or has already had hiccups in life. To those who haven’t yet: belief in yourself. When the time comes, You are going to become the strongest. You’ve ever been and you will look back and remember it with a smile on your face. To those of you who are still recovering: Dig deep inside yourself and find that strength you know everyone has.



You are your own fortress. Those walls can’t fall now. To those of you who have recovered: You always knew you could do it. I’m not glorifying sickness; instead, what I’m saying is that don’t ever be ashamed to be vulnerable, weak, or to ask for help simply because nobody is complete or whole and everybody is flawed, beautifully flawed. Together although we are flawed we’ll help mend one another.


73 thoughts on “What We Don’t Want To Accept

      1. 🙂 You’re most welcome! What I see is what I really appreciate. You are an inspiration to others at your young age. Really great! You can go farther than this as I can see, if you don’t stop!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for your support, for being part of my journey and for welcoming my words! It’s a very huge compliment for me! I really appreciate it! Wishing you all the best! Bless you! Take care!


  1. Hi! Great post.🌸 Also, I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for The Liebster Award. Do let me know or link my site to your post when you do it. Happy New Year! Hope you have a great year ahead. 🎉❤️

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